Thursday, March 19, 2009


This is sort of a supplement to my last post. I just finished my job as a PA on a movie called The Effect. The last thing (I think) I said to the producer was that I learned a tremendous amount of information about film making and I thanked him. It is so true, being involved in something, no matter what capacity, brings forth an understanding and appreciation that cannot be had from being told or shown or reading about a subject.

The last movie I saw was My Best Friend's Girl and I saw it with new eyes after having worked on a film, I was able to appreciate everything from the set decorations to the moments where the camera's focus changed ever so slightly (ok, that's because I had a monumental crush on the first assistant camera operator or focus puller). I also learned the reason behind the order in which the names roll in the credits, paying special attention to one title in particular ;)

With that said, it wasn't always fun. And there were definitely times when I felt as though I didn't belong. Additionally, there were the stereotypical situations of corruption; the slightest bit of power in the wrong hands...

There were also those who couldn't wait for it to be over. Those who knew that they were saying, "I can't wait for it to be over" now, but would look back with fond memories of the good times and laugh at the bad times. And appreciate all the characters that made an impression, even if they were thought to be jerks while we were filming. Then, there were those of us who smiled everyday. Knowing that this is life. Choosing not to fall in to the category of people cursed with life happening while they are making other plans or WAITING FOR IT TO BE OVER. With practice I've learned not to wait for an end but to appreciate what I am doing WHEN I am doing it.

1 comment:

Kyle H. said...

thanks. that last few lines made a lot of sense. simple and true. or maybe it just clicked for me.